
With a focus on building users and creating sustainable communities, at Arbor Architects, we design beautiful spaces that are holistically low energy, healthy and seamlessly integrated with their local environment. We are deeply committed to building vibrant and inclusive communities through our specialised approach to inclusive and effective consultation. We share an approach to socially and environmentally aware design that puts building users at the heart of the design process.

We work closely with our clients, community groups and stakeholders to understand, draw out and develop ideas and aspirations, believing everyone should be empowered to influence a better future for their community.

Whether you're embarking on a new initiative or revitalising an existing community space, Arbor Architects will partner with you to craft spaces that prioritise comfort and sustainability and enhance the social fabric that binds us all. We’d be delighted to join you in shaping a brighter future for all through thoughtful, community-focused design and construction.


We share an approach to environmentally aware design that puts building users right at the heart of the design process. To ensure projects are not only viable but represent the best approach for the community, key aspects will need to be informed by discussions and consultations with residents and community bodies. A continued process of consultation with stakeholders throughout a project informs how the project objectives and expected outcomes are developed. Consultation events and community engagement are a vital part of this process.

Community Projects

What’s the process?

From the project's outset, we will review and develop an understanding of the key client objectives regarding quality, viability, sustainability, social value, etc… These requirements will be developed into a set of drivers and project outcomes, which can be used at key points in the process to check compliance with the brief.