Kicking off 2023….

Happy new year to all our clients, colleagues and collaborators! We hope that 2023 gives us all the opportunity to break new ground, the time for causes we’re passionate about and ultimately, the chance to make a difference!

It’s a particularly exciting new start for us here at Arbor Architects as we’ve moved into a new office, we’ve launched our new website and we have some incredibly exciting new projects to showcase.

 Our office is located in the Shellstore, a former World War I munitions factory in Skylon Park. The building has been converted into a business incubation and innovation centre, housing 4,000 sq metres of employment space for small and growing businesses. We’re very much enjoying being part of the Shellstore community and look forward to inviting more of you in to see our new space…. and more importantly, to sample the coffee at the Munitions Café!

 We have also updated our website to include many of the projects that we are currently working on, as well as the projects that we’ve recently completed.  It’s always a really rewarding task to undertake at the start of the new year, giving us the chance to reflect on everything we’ve learnt, everything we’ve achieved and all the fantastic people we’ve been able to work with.

 We hope you enjoy looking through these projects as much as we have!


Arbor’s Design Philosophy


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